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Challenge / Goal

The city wanted to obtain:

  • A complete inventory of traffic signals
  • The analysis of degraded signals and misplaced signals
  • A complete inventory of road markings
  • A visibility analysis of road markings
  • Detection and classification of the different deteriorations of the pavement
  • Detection and analysis of speed reduction elements

The city has obtained all the expected results in three months thanks to two Autonomous Road Inspectors installed inside the vehicles of the police that were patrolling the city. The acquisition system sent the videos and data to the cloud where all the detections, classifications and analysis were applied. Finally, as they didn't have their own, the access to the ASIMOB's web interface was provided to give the visibility of all the assets and to manage the incidences.

Now the city of Cunit has a complete inventory of all the elements, can share the information in Open Data and can take decisions based on objective information.



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Time period

Planning time
Less than 6 months

Implementation time
Less than 6 months



Service providers


End users

Responsible of infrastructures

    Main benefits
  • Improving travel safety

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