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Challenge / Goal

The city of Ulm does not have air quality data from its own measurement networks. The city considers the collection of its own air quality data to be part of data-based public welfare and urban planning.nd therefore wanted to explore ways to collect data and prepare it for further use.


In the course of the implementation of the funding project Zukunftskommune@bw in the Eselsberg district, a measurement network based on Sentience measurement devices was implemented for Ulm. The data is displayed on an intuitively understandable citizen dashboard and on an expert dashboard for the experts in the administration. In addition, the experts receive regular reports that correlate the air pollutants with weather data and thus allow deeper insights. The measurement data will also be made available via API for the Ulm Open Data application. Several citizen events round off the solution. 


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Time period

Implementation time
1 to 2 years


Hawa Dawa

    Main benefits
  • Enhanced data collection

  • Improved data accessibility

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