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Challenge / Goal

Reclaiming urban space for pedestrians is a key aim of many infrastructure projects in cities.
However, space selection and evaluation post-implementation are still based on assumptions and intuition. 
As a result, optimal solutions are often not achieved.
In Cologne, there is a noteworthy project in Ehrenstraße concerning urban development.
Over the years, Ehrenstraße has undergone significant changes, culminating in it being declared a pedestrian zone in April 2022. As a result, all motor vehicle traffic was restricted, although cyclists still had unrestricted access.
Subsequently, ambitious plans surfaced for a radical transformation of the street. The objective is to fashion Ehrenstrasse into a vibrant residential area and a green boulevard.

Solution has now been on the market for over 5 years as the largest platform for inner-city pedestrian frequency data. 
The exceptional data quality over long periods of time enables managers to make better decisions. Especially regarding the inner-city space.
In the present project on Ehrenstraße in Cologne, it was possible to precisely observe and evaluate the effects of the measures using the data series from 
Whether and to what extent a project fulfils its objectives can only be conclusively answered by valid data.
The technology used by also makes it possible to track the effects over the long term, so that distortions due to one-off effects can be ruled out.


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