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Challenge / Goal

About one-quarter of Europe’s greenhouse gases are emitted by the transport sector, within which road transport is by far the biggest contributor to emissions. Funded by the European Climate Initiative (EUKI), the Cyclurban Project promotes cycling as an important element of urban climate change mitigation policy.  Its implementation is supported by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. It is the overarching goal of the EUKI to foster climate cooperation within the European Union (EU) in order to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.


15 organizations from Germany, Croatia, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Poland and Slovakia, worked together in the Cyclurban project to promote cycling as an important means of urban transport. The project partners, NGO’s, scientific organizations and municipalities, contributed with their specific expertise on climate change, sustainable urban development and urban transport. 

The project's activities focused on municipal, regional, and national administrations in the 6 partner target countries in the Baltics, Central, and Southern Europe. The project specifically addressed the mobility and urban planning departments of the cities Warsaw, Tartu, Velika Gorica, Bratislava, Riga, and Drama, along with other regional or national institutions and stakeholders shaping debates and policies that influence future urban mobility.

Numerous workshops and stakeholder meetings were conducted to achieve a comprehensive analysis of the present condition of cycling and the potential opportunities and challenges it presents. These sessions brought together project partners, spatial and transport planners, architects, cycling activists, municipal experts, and other stakeholders. The aim was to facilitate the exchange of knowledge regarding cycling and sustainable transport, and to deliberate on strategies and examples of good practices that promote a climate-friendly shift in mobility.

The Cyclurban project's primary outcome consisted of National Policy Recommendations (NPRs) specifically tailored for decision-makers. These recommendations were collaboratively developed with experts and stakeholders in national workshops and offer cost-effective and easily implementable ways to promote cycling in each respective country. Covering various areas such as infrastructure, policy, planning, education, services, and promotion, these recommendations serve as a blueprint for policymakers. They assist in implementing a more environmentally friendly transport policy and play a positive role in shaping cycling policies in the years to come. All NPRs received recognition from national authorities in the 6 partner countries.


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Czech Environmental Partnership Foundation, Cyclokoalicia Ideas into Energy, Baltic Environmental Forum Germany, German Aerospace Center (DLR), City of Warsaw, Foundation of Earth and People, National Technical University of Athens, National Observatory of Athens, Ecocity, City of Tartu, Baltic Environmental Forum Estonia, Union of Latvian Cyclists, Baltic Environmental Forum Latvia, City of Velika Gorica, Society for Sustainable Development Design

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Citizens, cyclists and city planners

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