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Challenge / Goal

The data-enabled innovation challenges are about getting a wider group to engage with the data curation service and data visualisation platform and encouraging this group to make use of these tools and data. The goal is to encourage data enabled solutions i.e. solutions which make use of the data available by organising events such as hackathons. The best solutions proposed during the hackathon will get a 5000 Euro funding.


Grass root approach adopted to identify citizen challenges, giving participants a guideline on which challenges they could possibly solve using the data.

To demonstrate the sort of innovation of interest they created three exemplar apps. These were simple concepts that used data, systems and ideas from the Triangulum project and aligned with the themes of mobility and energy.

The innovation challenges will run twice per year from 2018-2020. The process will adapt and learn. The first challenge will focus upon the exemplar apps and encourage participants to identify ways to improve these ideas. 

Citizen participation

Active participation: press releases, social media, hackathons, grass root approach to identify challenges.


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Time period

Planning time
6 months to 1 year

Implementation time
Less than 6 months

    Main benefits
  • Encouraging digital entrepreneurship

  • Facilitating citizen engagement

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