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Challenge / Goal

During a joint workshop, reasonable and modern funcionalities for the museum were developed. As it turned out, 'intelligent lighting' could be used to enhance the exhibition with innovative technology, to provide further information about the objects displayed in the exhibition.


The basic priciple is to use the light that illuminates an object in the museum to transmit further information about the object. Objects in the museum are illuminated by a special LED light, so called 'intelligent lighting'. Embedded in the beam of light is additonal information on the object that it illuminates. FlowSign will digitally transmit the information about the object, and visitors can retrieve the information on their smartphone using an app that is available for Android and iOS. To do so, visitors simply point the camera of their smartphone on the illuminated object and the embedded code will be scanned by the app. The information is then displayed on their smartphone.

Important steps in the setup of this technology involved analysing and defining the optimal position for the 'intelligent lighting' in the building, creating an URL together with the museum and finally also creating content for the app.

Citizen participation

Official city guides of the city of Hamburg and visitors to the museum were involved in the project. Visitors were involved through questionnaires and interviews that took place at the museum.


In terms of functionality, it was important to provide the 'intelligent lighting', without distracting visitors attention from the object

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Time period

Planning time
6 months to 1 year

Implementation time
Less than 6 months

Service providers

Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH

End users

The Archaeological Museum of Hamburg and its visitors

    Main benefits
  • Enhancing tourism experience

  • Enhancing tourism experience

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