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Challenge / Goal

In the Piedmont region of Italy, where Torino is located, maximum temperatures have risen by 2°C in the last 60 years, with extreme heatwaves projected to continue to increase in the coming century due to global climate change. Buildings, therefore, need to be more resilient to heat, while decreasing their contributions to fossil fuel emissions and the urban heat island effect.


The 25 Verde building ,which includes 63 apartments, was designed with two ideas in mind to combat increased temperatures: thermal insulation and energy efficiency. The structure of the building is characterised by 

  • high thermal mass that provides inertia through the 35 cm thick solid floor slabs
  • increased thickness of exterior brick walls
  • continuous exterior thermal insulation and a ventilated façade
  • passive solar protection through louvers and deciduous plants (provide shade only in summer)
  • wide glass surfaces for winter solar gain and for improved interior natural lighting
  • green roof, which includes a thick layer of soil

The heating and cooling systems use geothermal powered heat pumps and individual metering of individual use fosters further energy savings.

Citizen participation

Most apartments were sold before construction started, allowing owners to personalise during the construction phase.


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Time period

Planning time
2 to 5 years

Implementation time
2 to 5 years


Luciano Pia Architecture Studio, Corazza Group, Studio Lineeverdi

End users

Building residents

    Main benefits
  • Reducing GHG emissions

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