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Challenge / Goal

Policy makers and citizens wanted to know which actions are the most cost-effective and backed up by scientific information. One alternative would have been to hire consultants, but the previous experience was unpromising: they were happy to calculate scenarios on a case-by-case basis, but the static reports got outdated quickly and the details of the rationale were opaque to the city. Tampere created its own climate emission scenario on spreadsheet, but it was tricky to publish and prone to errors.


Tampere and Kausal collaborated to create a collaborative climate scenario assessment platform tailored for cities. This platform enables the calculation of both past and future climate emissions from various sectors, utilizing input data such as climate actions, building stock, and population. A user can change the scenario by adjusting input data, and the path to the target year is immediately recalculated in the Kausal Paths.


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Kausal Ltd

Service providers

Kausal Ltd

End users

City staff

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