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Challenge / Goal

Eco-mobility has increasingly become a component of transport policy and traffic planning of German towns. "Eco-mobility" refers to environmentally-friendly means of transportation: non-motorized carriers of traffic (pedestrian and public or private bicycles), public means of transportation (road, coach and taxis), as well as car sharing and car-pooling center.
The aim of eco-mobility is to enable road users to travel their routes using the environmentally-friendly transport network and to rely less on their own car.


A car-sharing service is set up with a range of different vehicles to be able to cater for a variety of transport requirements in different situations. To completely be able not owning your own car it is necessary that car pools offer this choice of vehicle. An electric vehicle might be suitable for shorter trips in the city but when travelling longer distances with a big family an electric vehicle might not fit the needs and it is therefore important to offer alternatives. 
This possibility has been put together by Cambio. Integration of various vehicle sharing alternatives gives people more flexibility and increases the likelihood of using shared mobility over private vehicles. The implementation aims at reducing carbon emissions and improve local air quality.
To provide users of public transport with the possibility to use bus, tram (light-rail), bicycles along with shared passenger cars with one ticket, Cambio and KVB are currently developing a so called “Mobilitätskarte" (Mobility-ticket). It will be an enhancement of the already existing subscription ticket. With this “Mobilitätskarte” travelers will be able to use bus, trams, bicycles and car-sharing cars with their normal season ticket.

Citizen participation

Flyers were distributed to inform the citizens. Also local press was used to disseminate the information. Additionally, local videos are used


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Time period

Planning time
6 months to 1 year

Implementation time
2 to 5 years

    Main benefits
  • Reducing GHG emissions

  • Reducing local air pollution

  • Promoting sustainable private transport models

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