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Challenge / Goal
  • Analyze continuously the vibrations generated on the tunnel wall by the Metro units passing by.
  • Determine if any particular unit generates an anomalous level of vibration in order to stablish a priority maintenance.
  • Installation of a continuous vibration measurement sensor on the tunnel.
  • Gather the vibrations generated by the passing units during the working times of the line.
  • Analyse the data to determine the influence of those vibrations on the structure and to prioritize the maintenance of the units generating anomalous vibration levels.

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Time period

Planning time
6 months to 1 year

Implementation time
6 months to 1 year


AV Enginyers - Trafag - GradeSens

Service providers

AV Enginyers - Trafag - GradeSens

End users

Metro Barcelona Operator. Neighbours around the infrastructure.

    Main benefits
  • Enhanced data analysis

  • Improving traffic management

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