Privacy Notice

Welcome on InKoMo

We put great importance to data protection and therefore use the data you provide to us with upmost care. You can handle the data you provide to us in your personal dashboard. You will find our complete regulations on data protection and clarification of your rights in our privacy notice. By using the website and its offers and navigating further, you accept the regulations of our privacy notice and terms and conditions.


About us

Digital mobility concepts are no longer a distant dream of the future. On the contrary: Many ideas and projects have already been tested several times, and there are also many companies and start-ups that have already created concrete solutions in the field of digital mobility. Much of this is still little known. The large number of projects and possibilities makes it difficult to keep track of them all.

It is very important for municipalities to find the right solutions for their own needs from these diverse offerings and to base their activities on them. This is precisely where InKoMo 4.0 comes in.

The initiative brings offers from companies, digital mobility projects and innovative solutions to municipalities. To this end, numerous matching events have been held since 2018, bringing together companies from the mobility industry with municipalities. So far, this has always been a guarantee to generate new and interesting ideas.

The innovation store

With the innovation store, the next step is taken at a further level. Analog networking is now being followed by virtual networking. To this end, companies can present their solutions on the site, while at the same time municipalities can communicate their interests and needs.

In addition, successful and interesting mobility projects in the state are highlighted so that other players can also benefit from the experience gained.

If you want to participate and present your municipality, your company, a project or a concrete idea on the platform, please contact us.

Kontakt InKoMo 4.0

Die Geschäftsstelle InKoMo 4.0 führt verschiedenste Aktivitäten durch, um Innovationspartnerschaften für Kommunen und Mobilitätswirtschaft in Baden-Württemberg aufzubauen und zu begleiten. Die Organisation von Veranstaltungen wie Roadshows und Matching-Events gehört hierbei ebenso zum Aufgabenspektrum wie die gezielte Beratung und Begleitung von interessierten Kommunal- und Unternehmensvertretern.

Sollten Sie eine Projektidee haben, eine Vernetzung mit weiteren Partnern suchen oder Fragen zu InKoMo 4.0 haben, steht Ihnen die Geschäftsstelle gerne zur Verfügung.

Auch bei Fragen, Anmerkungen oder Änderungswünschen zu Inhalten auf der Plattform können Sie sich gern mit uns in Verbindung setzen. Nutzen Sie hierfür einfach den nachfolgenden Kontaktdaten

Julian Gedemer
Städtetag Baden-Württemberg

Telefon: +49 711 229 21-44

Zuständigkeitsbereich beim Städtetag:
Betreuung Projekte InKoMo 4.0, LINOx BW
Allgemeine Verkehrs- und Mobilitätsthemen

Marie-Claire Landenberger
e-mobil BW

Telefon: +49 711 892385-18

Zuständigkeitsbereich bei der e-mobil BW:
Schwerpunkte sind im Anwendungsbereich Kommunen und Infrastruktur

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