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Hurdle-free navigation - routing app for people with mobility impairments

Company: Match Rider UG

The routing app is able to reliably navigate people with mobility impairments from A to B, taking into account individual characteristics.

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About the app

The app takes user preferences into account and selects the most reliable route, not necessarily the shortest. For example, wheelchairs of different designs are only suitable for certain surfaces. The app was presented in Heidelberg in October 2019. The hurdle-free navigation has been implemented there for two city districts and will be expanded to the remaining districts.

The topic of accessibility is becoming increasingly important for an aging society against the backdrop of demographic change. People with walkers, temporary health impairments and disabilities need a barrier-free environment to get from A to B safely. Reliable navigation helps them reach their destination reliably and without any nasty surprises.

Steps to the solution
  1. Definition of path characteristics: Determination of which characteristics are relevant for obstacle-free navigation. For example, surface characteristics (e.g., cobblestones vs. asphalt), curb heights, slopes, etc.
  2. Creation of a data basis and definition of the area of application: Data is collected with surveying vehicles, similar to those used by Google for the Street View service, and enriched for further use with existing data from the municipalities.
  3. Data integration: Enrichment of the map basis, optionally with open or proprietary offers (e.g. OpenStreetMap or Google Maps), with the collected and the existing data of the municipality.
  4. Routing algorithm integration: Connection of a suitable routing algorithm, optionally with open or proprietary offers (e.g. openrouteservice or trafficon).
  5. Live test and rollout of the routing app (optional integration into existing apps of the municipality/municipal task managers).
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