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MobiData BW

In cooperation with the state-owned NVBW - Nahverkehrsgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg - the Ministry of Transport Baden-Württemberg has established MobiData BW as a cross-modal integration platform for mobility-related data.

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Produkt / Lösungsansatz

In cooperation with the state-owned NVBW - Nahverkehrsgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg - the Ministry of Transport Baden-Württemberg has established MobiData BW as a cross-modal integration platform for mobility-relevant data. The platform provides interested parties with cross-modal data for their own and free use.

In addition to data from the state, MobiData BW brings together information from municipal and regional partners in public transport and private mobility service providers. The database offered is being further expanded as a work in progress. The goal is to use the open data approach to initiate innovation processes and enable new mobility concepts for the common good in the region.

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